Nature Intelligence (NQ)


This website is part of a strategic partnership aimed at developing Nature Intelligence (NQ) in youth work, funded under the Erasmus+ Programme, project number 2020-2-NL02-KA205-003082. The project partners include: Anatta Foundation (Netherlands), IVN Environmental Education (Netherlands), Kamaleonte ASD (Italy), Zavod Ambitia (Slovenia) and Čia Čekija – Natural Spirit (Czech Republic).

Working with young people and nature ourselves, we noticed that many activities and programs tend to take a cognitive or behavioural approach. We asked ourselves if there could be a more integrative approach that encompasses not only cognitive and behavioural aspects but also more emotional and spiritual aspects of the human-nature relationship.

The concept of NQ provides such an integrative approach that can be used in youth work to empower young people to use nature for their well-being and to actively contribute to a greener and more sustainable Europe and planet.

The project starts from the basic premise that one’s own well-being is closely interwoven with the well-being of nature and the planet, and that understanding and feeling this connection can help make the world a better place for both humans and nature.

What's next

We have received new funding to further develop the Nature Intelligence concept in  a school contex for younger children. We will also develop an NQ app for adults.

These new projects, funded by Erasmus+, will include new measurement tools for NQ in different age groups (schoolchildren and adults), a school curriculum and many more outputs.

The new projects will commence as of November 2022 and the first tangible results can be expected by the end of 2023.