NQ School Project


The Erasmus+ project (number 2022-1-NL01-KA220-SCH-000090149) aims to reconnect schoolchildren to nature by nurturing their Nature Intelligence (NQ) as a new multidimensional concept that comprises children’s qualities to connect to nature in a cognitive, emotional and spiritual manner, and to actively use these qualities to support both their mental and social health and well-being as well as the well-being of nature and the planet.

The project will improve the quality of the school sector and its teachers by introducing an NQ-inspired pedagogy supported by an international collaboration of NQ stakeholders.

The project partners include: Anatta Foundation (The Netherlands), Agrupamento de Escolas n.º 1 de Gondomar (Portugal), Istituto Comprensivo “Bossolasco-Murazzano” (Italy), Struin BV (The Netherlands), Vera Oostinga & Gunter Grün-Oostinga Partnerschaft von Dozenten (Germany) and Natuurvoormensen omgevingspsychologisch onderzoek (The Netherlands).

Working with young people and nature ourselves, we noticed that many activities and programs tend to take a cognitive or behavioural approach. We asked ourselves if there could be a more integrative approach that encompasses not only cognitive and behavioural aspects but also more emotional and spiritual aspects of the human-nature relationship.

The concept of NQ provides such an integrative approach that can be used in youth work to empower young people to use nature for their well-being and to actively contribute to a greener and more sustainable Europe and planet. The project starts from the basic premise that one’s own well-being is closely interwoven with the well-being of nature and the planet, and that understanding and feeling this connection can help make the world a better place for both humans and nature.