NQ App Project


This Erasmus+ project (number 2022-1-NL01-KA220-ADU-000089289) aims at developing an up-to-date and evidence-based concept and approach for an educational opportunity for adults aged 30 years and older that is unique in the purpose of raising awareness on the importance of Nature Intelligence as a basic competency element for individual, societal and environmental wellbeing.

This project aims to upskill and promote adults’ digital skills regarding their nature intelligence competences, wellbeing and positive mental health. This project will develop an online mobile app that not only allows adults to work on personal development in terms of positive mental health, but we will also train adult educators/trainers/researchers to deliver digitally-assisted adult work on the promotion of nature intellence competencies.

The project partners include: Anatta Foundation (Netherlands), Natuur voor Mensen omgevingspsychologisch onderzoek (the Netherlands), Kamaleonte ASD (Italy), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), ONAGEB (Spain) and BECOME S.r.l. (Italy).